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Our mission is to give students an outstanding, semi-professional theatre experience during their high school careers. This means producing high quality shows with up-to-date equipment and technology and right now there are a lot of critical things that need repair or replacement.


The majority of drama program funds come from ticket sales. This enables us to buy rights to the show (musical rights can be over $3,000 per show), building supplies for sets, props, and costumes, etc. However, regular ticket sales do not cover major equipment purchases or replacements which are critical to the quality of our shows. 

Proceeds from all funds raised will allow us to make important purchases like:

  • Body microphones
  • A complete sound effects library
  • Much needed theatre lights LED and newer conventional theatre lighting fixtures.
  • Audio monitors for musicians and the dressing room
  • Costume tools and specialized costume needs
  • Replacements for all curtains - the black side curtains (aka "legs"), the red velvet front curtain, and cyclorama which covers the back wall of the theatre. (With normal wear and tear in a heavily used theatre, these have been badly damaged over the years.)

For more information about our program and shows - please visit

We sincerely appreciate all support for the program and are happy to provide a tax deduction letter for all donations.  Thank you!!
