*** Please take a moment to review these important notes re: your ticket reservation ***

Curtain is 7:30pm. Doors open 30 mins prior to curtain.

This is assigned seating.  Please sit in the seats you purchased; some patrons bought seats specifically for accessibility.

For in person attendance - following SPS COVID Safety Protocols, masks are optional but recommended. ** Note: this information is subject to change if there is updated guidance from SPS **

In the event of a sold out performance - anyone not checked in 5 minutes prior to curtain may have seats released to waiting patrons.

For more information, including location and donation information, please visit our website at https://www.wsmusicanddrama.org/ 

Thank you and enjoy the show!!

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By clicking "Place your order", you agree to the policies listed below.
Policies for Westside Drama
Refund and Exchange Policy
There are no refunds on tickets - all sales are final.

No ticket exchanges done on day of show (for that day's show). Other exchanges can be made by contacting the box office (jmlambright@seattleschools.org) during normal business hours.
General Policies
*** Please take a moment to review these important notes re: your ticket reservation ***

This is assigned seating. Please sit in the seats you purchased; some patrons bought seats specifically for accessibility reasons.

Our theatre space it relatively limited in storage, so it is not uncommon to encounter odd objects in walkways and entrances. If you have specific mobility concerns, please contact jmlambright@seattlepublicschools.org

Although we are a school, some of the material presented onstage is not suitable for all ages. Please check the warnings associated with the specific show you bought tickets to.

Thanks, and enjoy the show!